Hello! Sorry for being MIA. Term 1 has been completed! Yes, I have finished an entire term of teaching. Thanks for all of your support and for caring about what I'm up to. I know your prayers also made a huge impact on my classes.
For those of you who are also friends with me on Facebook, you're probably wondering what I did with your responses on "Why being Catholic matters." WELL. First off, thank you for all of you who did respond. What I did was compile all of your responses and created a handout. On Thursday, we went to the couch room and read the responses which turned into a lovely converation. Then, I gave them time to also write on that topic:
Here is what they said:
Student 1
It matters because God has called us all to do something
different being Catholic. I believe it
is the best way to find out what I am called to do. He also sent Jesus to die for us and I think
that’s pretty amazing and knowing that just makes me want to learn more about
what I’m called to do for my religion and also what I should do to help
others. Without being Catholic we
wouldn’t have God who will always be there for us even when we are going
through bad times. When our friends and
family aren’t there to talk to we will always have God to be there. He will also always forgive us for our sins.
Student 2
-You always have someone there supporting you
-You know you will be greeted with open arms when you go to
-No matter what God will always love you
-God knows what’s good for you
-Having someone love us so much that He died for us
-Feeling welcomed in the church
Student 3
1.To grow in my relationship with God
2.Gives me something to live for
3.The least we could do for someone that died for us
4.To have eternal life
5.God helps us through life
6.God takes away our sins for us
7.God forgives no matter what we’ve done
8. We trust God
9.We need God in our lives
Student 4
*To me being Catholic means having faith in God and
trusting/believing with your whole heart that Jesus died on the cross FOR
US! To SAVE US! From OUR SINS! So we can have EVERLASTING LIFE with God in
*It means we can talk to God through prayer and know He is
*It means we get to encounter God in the sacraments.
Student 5
It is the sole purpose for living
Without it, what would be the point?
It’s everything I believe in
Being Catholic is where my morals come
from. It makes up who I am.
Jesus died on the cross for a reason.
It matters for everlasting life
Being Catholic connects me to people all over
the world- who I’ve never met- but we’re all in the same family because all of
us are the children of God.
It matters because God is the reason I am here
Student 6
1.Jesus gave his life for us to believe
2.Gives people hope
3.You would never become bored with Jesus in your life.
4.Always have a friend to talk (pray) to.
Student 7
Because God is love.
He loved us so much he gave his only son to us! And then that son DIED for us! I dunno, it’s just pretty cool that now we
can live out our lives sharing and showing God’s love to everyone.
Student 8
It matters because you have something to live for otherwise
we wouldn’t need life we would just start in heaven.
Student 9
reason for everyone to exist on this earth is because of God.
gives up his life for us, we should love and serve him
we didn’t have it, life would not be life and we wouldn’t live in eternal
happiness after death
Without love, our life is full of hate and bad.
God puts the good in our lives and helps guide us to do good.
Student 10
sins can always be forgiven no matter how bad the sin
holy can keep you in better spirits throughout every day
no one else around you accepts you, Jesus will always accept you.
All in all, I can proudly say that all of my students, in some way or another, have been able to communicate their love and need for Jesus. The last 8 weeks have been such a beautiful journey. I already miss my Term 1 students but I'm looking forward to meeting 14 new students tomorrow and improve on what already went very well this past term.
While it hasn't been the easiest few months of my life, I can honestly say that I know that God wants me to be here, and He is bringing me so much joy through my students and in the work I am doing. I am supported by so many people-my family and friends, my boss and the pastor, along with my students and their parents and all of you reading this!
I would love to reflect on how much I've learned over the last 8 weeks, however, I can feel my eyes shutting...this teacher is tired from a wonderful weekend home. Can't wait to blog about the second first day of school tomorrow! :)
Thanks again for all of your kind words of support and prayers. Keep the prayers coming!
St. Paul, pray for us!
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