Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 2.2

I hope all of you are celebrating the life of one of the greatest Catholic heroes of all time.  JP2, I love you!  

Today agenda

1. Prayer
2. Journal- "Why are you here?"
3. Pre-assessment (same as Term 1, very similar experience...similar responses-I'm so excited to watch them grow in their knowledge of our faith and more importantly their love for Jesus!)
4. "Who is God" presentation/discussion

I rearranged the seating in my classroom so the tables are shaped like a "U."  I think this helps with discussion but is also set up so they can see the board where I'll sometimes write notes or project information from the laptop.  

My second class is really chatty.  Let me rephrase that, the boys are very chatty!  Any teachers out there know how to manage 16/17 year old chatty boys???  Please send me your suggestions!  I can't really use the clothes pin/stop light classroom management tool on teenagers.  

Overall, both classes went well, and I can tell that they are really interested in what I have planned to learn/discuss in class.

My favorite question of today based on Genesis 1:26

"Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness."

To preface her question, we were talking about the nature of God- his divine nature- intellect, will, 3 distinct persons (Trinity).  

"Wait, so Jesus already existed before he came to Earth?" So I HAD to teach them about the hypostatic union (Jesus is 100% human and 100% divine).

Then she asked, "So if Christians and Jews all understand the Old Testament, how can they deny that it prefigures Jesus, and that Jesus is God?"  BAM!  This girl was thinking this morning!  

Have a lovely evening!


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