So much fun. These ladies knew me "way back" when I was studying to be a teacher. It was really exciting to show them my place and tell them all about what we're doing for class and my ideas. It was as equally exciting hearing about how well they're doing with their jobs and grad school. Those are some pretty intelligent and talented young women right there!
Today is the beginning of the end of Term 1. I won't get all emotional on this post, but to end it with a bang, I thought we'd watch a movie to finish up our unit on Morality. We are watching The Hunger Games! A few of them have never read the book or seen the movie, so I'm excited to expose them to it since the next movie is coming out so soon! I'm one of those book nerds that read all three books over the course of a weekend. There are many moral dilemmas within this movie, and I have an assignment for them on Wednesday with a partner which I will not reveal until Wednesday. However, the best part of my class was seeing them come in so excited, more than normal-which I didn't know was possible, and with the treats they brought in. No worries, I brought in Birthday Cake Oreos and Pretzels and we had tons of other treats thanks to them. As we were feasting I thought how ironic it was since the people in the districts are practically starving... Anyway... We will need to take more time to finish watching the movie in class tomorrow.
"Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!"
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