Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 35

Today is the day...HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME TONIGHT!  Classes were super short due to the Homecoming Olympics and Parade!  Thankfully it stopped raining so the parade should still be on for 2pm!  Today's dress was spirit wear so we were very orange and black. 

I figured we wouldn't get much done, and when my students came in saying their teachers were just playing games today, I figured we could have a day somewhat "off."  However, we did touch on one of the objectives having to do with the notion that human life is sacred "from the womb to the tomb!" 

Well, in my first class, I had the start of a slideshow on a person's development in the womb month by month up until birth. 

This was pretty funny- my students thought I was trying to tell them something...because I had it up before class even start so they saw it when they walked in and on the side it says, "You're pregnant. Congratulations! Are you curious how big your developing baby is, what your baby looks like as it grows inside you, and when you'll feel it move? Take a peek inside the womb to see how a baby develops from month to month."  So one brave soul hesitantly said, "Miss Sexton, uh...are you?...are you trying to tell us something?"  I looked at her kind of confused and realized what she meant!  She thought I was announcing that I was pregnant!  Which is why she was very confused being that I'm young, single, and not married.  We had fun laughing about that.  Glad I stopped that rumor from forming!  Here's the link to the slideshow we looked at:

Then I got into the objective, quoted Jeremiah 1:5 how God knows us even before we are born!  He has willed each of us into existence.   

Then we got into a wonderful discussion on the miracle of life and how blessed we really are.  It was great!

They are very excited to throw candy at me at the parade and to see me at the game tonight.  And, lucky me, my aunt and mom are on their way to visit me! 

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!
St. Francis, pray for us!

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