Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 9.2

Happy Halloween!

Today was another good day at St. Paul's!

Today was continued learning about the Sacrament of Baptism and primarily focused on the symbols of the sacrament.  I emphasized how we need God's grace to live out the theological virtues- faith, hope, and love. How true it is in my life.  It's no wonder why our lives become a mess when we leave out prayer.  It's no wonder why our relationships/outlooks on situations become complicated and confusing.  Jesus provides us grace in the sacraments and through prayer, so we need to start going to the source-go to Him!  I'm my own teacher sometimes- meaning, I give myself advice as I'm teaching...funny how the Holy Spirit works.

There was also candy involved in class...we discussed tricks we've pulled or have been pulled on us and then times where we ever got scared.  It was fun to share stories with one another.  I got many of them to laugh, and laughter is GREAT! 

Since it's Halloween/All Souls Day, I pulled in a few other topics:

Graveyards--> Deceased loved ones whose souls are with God
Zombies--> Well, they are real, but taught what the resurrection of the dead is! 
Skeleton decorations--> Relics.  What they are, what they do, where they can be found

Have a great afternoon and evening.  I can't wait to pass out candy later!  Hopefully some sweet trick-or-treaters will show up!

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