Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 3.3

Today I invited a deacon of the Archdiocese of Dubuque to come in and speak to all of my day-time classes about his mission work in Haiti.  His stories were very inspiring and made me consider hoping on the next flight to give a hand in any way.  With that being said, we will be doing some kind of service to help this mission since he so graciously gave up his entire morning to be with us.

Night class went well-  my juniors are great!  (I now teach the juniors and the youth minister has the freshmen and sophomores.  It's a lot better teaching is smaller groups- I love having 28!  Much different than during the day, but it's going very well!)

Wakes are hard.  Tonight was the wake for two of my high school students' dad.  Please keep Manchester and everyone who knows the family in your prayers.  They said by 6pm the entire church was filled about 3 times.  Side note- the wake was in the church, which can hold MANY people.  That says a lot about this family.  

Have a great night everybody!

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