Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 11.3

Hooray for finally having school!  Of course today was a scheduled early out so classes were short (45 min), but hey, we still had class!  They had so many crazy stories about being snowed in and their travel experiences over the weekend.  I'm learning/hearing so much now that I'm living near a rural area. 

Today's classes went really well.  We started up by playing a round of "Build the Church" aka "Hangman" on the board to introduce today's topic: Sacraments of Initiation!  You just draw a sketch of a church if they guess the wrong letter rather than a hangman.  So that was entertaining and they really enjoyed it. 

Then we went pretty in-depth with the sacrament of baptism, original sin, sanctifying grace, and the effects of the sacrament! 

Main learning point of the day:  Original sin causes our intellects to be darkened and our wills to be weakened.  That is why we do things that we wish we wouldn't have.  We have disordered desire.  The motive of all of our actions boil down to happiness, and we find that the effects of sin are quite the opposite.  Baptism doesn't take this away (concupiscence), but God's grace gives us the strength to overcome temptations!  Yay sacraments!  Yay God!  Yay Church!  Yay prayer! 

We also talked about the life-giving qualities and the opposite for water.  This relates to the sacrament.  We die to sin and are born into a life with Christ!  St. Paul says, " We were buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so too may we live a new life" (Romans 6:4).

I love teaching and learning.  Surprise surprise.

And tonight we are finally having a night class!  So many have been cancelled because of the weather.  Tonight is Movie Night so that will be a fun way to ease back into the night class! 

St. Paul, pray for us!
Holy Spirit, inspire us!

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