Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 2.3

*Correction: I have 8 students in my 2nd hour class.  One of them dropped but is signed up to take my class next term.  So that's good!  

It didn't seem as early when I got to school this morning.  Hopefully morning continue to get easier- remember, I'm not a coffee drinker so I desperately rely on resting/plenty of sleep.  Much easier since I'm not living with friends or on a college campus like when I was student teaching.  Bittersweet.  

In case you were wondering, today was a good second day.  Some of the students are still super quiet but I have to remember that this class is still pretty new.  Today we answered the fundamental questions: Who is God?  Who am I?  This appeared to be a little intense for some of my students- most of them have never asked themselves or dived into these questions.  It's fun to be on this journey with them.  Hopefully they thank me later for getting into this stuff.  They aren't used to having to think to hard in Religious Ed so this was a good intro for them : )

Here's an excellent article we read today showing how we can use reasoning to prove that God exists- aka not even having to pull out our Bibles or catechisms-I mean, that wouldn't be considered evidence for non-believers anyway.  

Please keep us in your prayers.

St. Paul, pray for us!
Holy Spirit, inspire us!

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