Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 27

So today I got to talk about the sanctity of the sacrament of marriage.

Before class even started, two of the ladies were scheming, and finally one of them spoke up and said, "Ms. Sexton, we found someone for you to date!  He's super Catholic and we're friends with his younger sister.  You two would be perfect for each other!  Would you like to see a picture of him?"

I'll let you imagine the rest.

Let's just say I love my students. And the guy was cute ;)

ANYWAY, it was appropriate because we talked all about the sacrament of marriage and I got two of the girls to get glassy eyes.  One said, "Ms. Sexton, you're going to have to stop.  You are making this sound SO beautiful.  I could cry!"  RIGHT?!?  Shoot, I was ready to start saying my wedding vows!

Being a woman and all, I'm pretty into the idea of love and being loved in return.  Well, I guess that's more of a human thing.  Thankfully I experience it in a number of relationships-Jesus, my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, my sister, friends, my rabbit, puppies.  However, I will not be marrying any of them.  Definitely none of my lady friends.  Ya heardddd.

My second class in more inquisitive, so they were not afraid to ask me any questions.  Even about SEX!  *gasp!*  So it got real.  Real quick.

I guess I started it.  I asked them what it means where the catechism expresses that a marriage must be consummated.  Yup.

So that's why sex is reserved for marriage!  "You and me baby!"  Not for every guy that wants to take the risk.  Sex is a beautiful gift-I mean, God created it!  The Church says it's a beautiful thing too! It becomes tainted, really dirty and icky in a number of situations-pornography, hooking up, drunk sex, casual sex, etc.   "Wait, so that's why the Church says no to sex before marriage?"  This explanation really hit home for some reason, and I'm so glad!

Someone asked what makes the sacrament of marriage different than a marriage in a courthouse.  Among the reasons that I mentioned, these were the ones that really got them drooling.  In a good way. (Not literally).

Jesus laid down his life for us.  He loved us even until death, death on a cross.
We receive Jesus and He is the sacrifice of the mass right before our very eyes on the altar.
A couple says their wedding vows on the altar.
They are making a promise before the living Christ, the community, and to one another, to sacrifice their lives for one another.  Even when that person is really annoying.  Or smelly.  Or frustrating.  Or when they start to look less attractive.  Their love is self-less, not self-less, just like Christ's love for each and every one of us.  They are ready to go all the way with their love, to love, serve, and honor one another until the death of one of them.

Pretty loaded promise!

I clarified their questions about contraception in a marriage, what makes marriage a sacrament, why they should wait to have sex, why they should wait to marry someone who will lead them closer to Jesus and be a better person-along with their families.  This person will be becoming a member of your family-they should not be drawing you are from them!

I once again reminded them, you are or will be dating somebody's husband or wife.  You are somebody's husband or wife (unless you're being called to the religious life or priesthood!). But majority of us will be called to marriage.

Go against the culture.  Do not live with your boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage.  Do not sleep with your boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage.  By doing that, you are actually loving yourself and the person you're in a relationship with more!

Anyway, I'm going to finish this post up...heading to a Bible Study at my parish...Jeff Cavins study...Couldn't be more exited!  I've been needing something like this.  I'm missing the Bible Studies I've been a part of over the last 4 years at Loras.  

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