Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 26

"Miss Sexton, are you dating anyone? "
Not right now.
"Darn it!  I'm surprised!"
Anyone have any older brothers? ;)

"Who's dating in this room?"  3/7 in my afternoon class are.  
"Remember, you are dating someone's future spouse!  Love and respect them!"

Dating advice from student:
"Only give your heart to someone who will bring out the best in you and make you a better person."

"You guys, it's already the start of week 6!!!"
"Wait, how much time do we still have with you?"
"3 full weeks! :)"
"Thank goodness!  It's going too fast!"

"Miss Sexton, we should have a day called FUN DAY."
"How should I defend that one to my boss?  Cake, sacraments...?"
"Sure!  Bring your friends that you have mentioned.  They can be 'guest speakers!'"

"I saw Miss Sexton waiting in line at the movie theater this weekend.  How was that movie?"
"Hilarious and something I would not tell you to see as your Religion Teacher." 
"I'm going to see it tonight."
"We'll talk about it in one of our Morality classes."  

"Would you be willing to come to a meeting with 6 of us retired priests to tell us about how to effectively teach the youth about our faith?"
"I would love to!  When?"
"When are you done teaching today?"

"Miss Sexton, I was going through one of those prayer books of yours, and that one has some pretty awkward prayers in it.  The first time I ever picked it up I turned to a prayer about Sexual Problems and then Bulimia."
"Hey, you never know what people need to pray for!"
"My life is a mess though.  I shouldn't judge."
"Join the club.  Let's pray!"

"I love you guys."

Just another day at St. Paul's. 
Best 160 minutes of my week days is in class with my students.
Class topic today: Sacrament of Marriage
To be continued...

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