Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 30.2

Answered prayers people.  Today was a great day with my students!  They actually acted like they like me today!  Phew- I think their 'tudes had something to do with the weather...sheesh!  We had another late start due to the fog, so that meant classes were short again today.  

Here was our reflection/prayer/random act of kindness from today:

This is my command, that you love one another.  John 15:17
This invitation from God is not extended to us individually as individuals.  We are called into the People of God, into a faith community.  we are invited to become a part of God's family.  By the very nature of the invitation we can come to God only together or we cannot come at all.  This is the radical meaning of "Thy Kingdom Come!"  The bottom line is this:  I cannot say my "yes" of responding love to God's invitation without saying a "yes" of love to you.  Ot is impossible for me to love God and not to love you.  Likewise it is impossible for me to love God and not to love you. 
Jesus says that if we come to place the gift of our love upon his altar, and we remember a grudge, an estrangement from another, we should resolve that first.  Only then are we invited to come and lay our gift of love upon God's altar.  Jesus is very clear about this.  We cannot love God without loving each other...God does not want my gift of love unless it is also offered to you.  God does not want your gift of love unless you have shared that gift with me. 
Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.  Help me to be a peacemaker this Advent and to give special love to those who disagree with me.  Give me the strength and courage to forgive those who have hurt me just as you forgive me when I sin against you.  Amen.
Forgive someone who has hurt you.  Forgiveness and letting go are crucial.  They will lead you down the path of healing and peace.  So try to forgive someone today I order to prepare your heart for Jesus.

For their journal prompt, I asked them to answer the following question: "Who do I need to forgive?"  

After that, I told them a personal story of a time where I held on to the emotional pain and anger a particular person caused me for a number of years (about 7).  I will spare the details because the goal is not to reveal this person's identity.  The goal is to show that forgiveness is not what heals the person who has hurt us-but in actuality, it is what heals YOU.  Me.  I held on to anger, pain, and a very poor opinion of this person for far too long. The only person hurting in the situation was ME.  As the reflection said- "Jesus is very clear about this.  We cannot love God without loving each other...God does not want my gift of love unless it is also offered to you.  God does not want your gift of love unless you have shared that gift with me."  Withholding forgiveness is the opposite of love.  Jesus very explicitly teaches about forgiveness.  I mean, hello!  While this person has never come forward to ask for forgiveness, I have forgiven this person in the depths of my heart.  How?  Through the guidance of my mom and Margie-one of the most wise people that I have ever met.  Oh, and Jesus.  It took a long time to let go and forgive this person in my heart, but I can honestly say that I have.

Some of my students were very upset about this story-"Why would anyone be so mean?  Especially to you!" 

"Well- that's between them and the Lord.  I have asked for forgiveness a number of times from Jesus and He has never withheld that from me.  So, it took a long time, but I have forgiven them."  

Forgiveness is what allows us to love more freely!  And no, not every person deserves forgiveness.  I fall into that category at times too!  Probably more than I've ever personally admitted, too.  

We all need to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus.  Let's all give forgiveness a try.

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